Joint Ventures & Strategic Alliances

We represent businesses seeking to collaborate or partner with other enterprises and achieve business goals of mutual interest without formally combining their businesses. Joint ventures typically involve a formal collaboration between two or more enterprises through a newly formed business entity or contract. Strategic alliances involve two or more parties working independently to achieve a specific goal of mutual interest. We give thoughtful consideration to the unique business needs of our clients and each of the parties in applying creative and flexible solutions that best fit their needs. We can help with:

  • Structuring, formation, and governance of joint venture vehicles
  • Contractual solutions for alignment of economic interests and project control including contribution of assets, allocation of management and responsibilities, distribution rights and preferences
  • Treatment of pre-existing intellectual property and the development of new intellectual property during the life of the project
  • Termination and exit strategies; disposition of intellectual property rights at exit/termination of the joint venture or strategic alliance

To learn more about how our firm can meet your business needs, contact Accord Law today.