More About Us

Attorney talking to her client
Consulting Services Agreement

What Sets Us Apart

Our Goal

Our goal is to alleviate some of the stress of navigating legal issues that crop up in everyday business operations. Count on us to protect your business interests by managing risk and ensuring contractual integrity while you pursue your business goals. We offer prompt and efficient attention and more flexible billing arrangements than traditional big law firms. We keep client costs down with in-depth knowledge, responsiveness, efficiency, and practicality.


When hiring Accord Law, you can count on receiving legal advice from an experienced Northern Virginia business attorney who is skilled at what she does, efficient, and sensitive to your needs. Our approach combines sound legal knowledge with practical advice, creative solutions, and problem-solving. We look at the entire picture and, if necessary, flag potential issues you may not have considered before. We draft and negotiate sound agreements designed to strengthen and protect our client’s interests.


We make a concerted effort to provide a fast turnaround to our client’s requests. With over 20 years of legal experience in private law practice, we can zero out on critical issues and review your questions promptly and efficiently. We rely on modern technology, paperless office, and secure ways of communicating and sharing documents, and electronic signatures to facilitate communications with our clients. Our business model reduces the costly overhead, allowing us to offer sophisticated legal advice at attractive rates.


We focus on your legal problem and the most effective and efficient way to fix it. Our goal is to facilitate your business operations, not to unnecessarily complicate them. But lean doesn’t mean lacking depth or detail. If the assistance of a subspecialized counsel is necessary to address the issue at hand, we will advise you accordingly and recommend the best course of action.

Personal Approach

We take time to talk to clients and are easily accessible by phone or email. We become knowledgeable about our clients’ businesses. We understand that open and frequent communication is at the heart of building a meaningful client-attorney relationship. The legal strategy we design aligns with your personal goals and priorities. 

To learn more about how our firm can meet your business needs, contact Accord Law today.